HISTORIC National bicentennial organic farm


kezialain hill

Our farm is a special and beautiful place to us, and to the people who come here to enjoy it with us. 

Kezialain Farm, located between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers in New York, has been in our family for over 240 years. It is one of the oldest family farms in New York State.

We love and care for this land that has supported our family for eight generations.

We raise certified organic cattle that are totally grass fed. They eat the farm’s lush pasture and the hay that comes from our land, all of it certified organic. They live a healthy, low stress life, eating native plants, with a wide range of nutrients, that grow without any plowing or planting. The land and the cattle support each other, there is no need to buy any food from other sources. The result is a totally sustainable farm that is healthier for the cattle, the earth, and the people who eat it.

Read about our well loved cattle here.